Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hunger Crisis Deepening in East Africa - Jul, 2011

This was a very sad and alarming piece from the NBC Evening News on Jul 24, 2011 about the deepening crisis of hunger and death in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa.

The United Nations estimated at the time that 11 billion people were in danger and that tens of thousands may have already died.  The story was told from a refugee camp in northeast Kenya and showed graves being dug, malnourished children and adults looking for food and water, shabby tents and other hastily built temporary structures, and men with weapons.
 I suspect the story originated from public relations sources with the aim to raise awareness and spark a reaction for help in the desperate situation.  People were dying every day and many who were arriving to the camp were too late and died soon after arrival.  Some arrived and, not finding the necessities for life, moved on to the outskirts hoping to find a place to stay with food and water.

I thought it was an effectively told story and should work to help, although for many it will have been too late.

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